Published over 3 years ago
New Farm Ownership search filters
If you click on our Advanced Search button on the home page you will see a new option for “Ownership” which refers to the ownership of the farm/ranch/dairy that we have listed. New
Our driving goal at All The Farms is to allow our site visitors to understand where and who they can buy locally grown and raised food from.

Through speaking with our site visitors we’ve discovered that our visitors want to sometimes know who the farms are owned by – and we are excited to announce that we’ve taken the steps to make this happen.

If you look on the left side of the search page, you will see a new option for “Ownership” which refers to the ownership of the farm/ranch/dairy that we have listed. The categories we’ve chosen are input from a survey we asked site visitors to complete. Of course, we (ourselves, our site) are a work in progress and if we can improve - let us know!

Here is a quick explanation of the Ownership filters:

BIPOC Led. BIPOC stands for “Black, Indigenous, People Of Color”. This was an important category to add for us and we hope it helps to correct the previous exclusion of non-white farmers. Want to learn more? Check out this great podcast by Planet Money on how black American farmers were taken advantage of and had their land taken away.

First Generation Farmers. Running a farm or ranch is tough for anyone - but it’s even more difficult for those that choose to go into the profession without having the advantage of multiple family generations behind them. We love multi-generational farms and the communities they have fed and built. We also think that people new to farming may need an extra hand so that they can stay in business.

Farmers Under 40. There is an age crisis in farming and ranching. The average age of today’s farmer is 57.5 years old and many of them do not have a young person waiting in the wings to take over. Understanding how important it is to keep our farms and ranches running, we must also understand that we have to support younger farmers so that they can make a living and continue to grow and learn.
Veteran Led. We have asked a lot of our veterans during the past few decades. Many veterans have found that farming is therapeutic for them and they cherish the opportunity to have their own business and a deep relationship with the land. We hope you choose this filter to understand how and where you can support veteran farmers.

Women Led. When you picture a farmer, what does that look like? For many of us, it’s an older man. We can change that! The future is all of ours to collectively shape and we can support women farmers through using this filter. We at All The Farms are very proud to report that our home state of Oregon has one of the highest rates of women farmers in the country at 44%. Let’s keep that rate up, and also help others from all across the country support women farmers!

Feel free to always get in touch with us.


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